The Melbourne Central User Group (MCUG) commenced in 2009 shortly after VectorVest arrived in Australia. It has been meeting on a monthly basis ever since and has had more than 400 members during this time. Some members come and stay for a short time whilst others come and stay ‘for ever’.
MCUG was born in the leafy eastern suburbs of Melbourne but has expanded its footprint and with the addition of online meetings and activities it is now available to members anywhere in Australia. An in-person group still meet in Melbourne every month.
The basic purpose of the MCUG is “To help each other become more confident investors by making reliable and successful trading decisions” and our vision is that “All members successfully achieve their individual investing goals”
Being a self-help User Group MCUG is focused on providing a service for the members, by the members, based on what the members want. VectorVest is our primary ‘tool of trade’ and is the cornerstone of what the User Group is built around. Whether you are a VectorVest subscriber or not you are welcome to join the MCUG.